Monday, January 14, 2008

Matt Taibbi Goes Head to Head With Stephen Colbert

Rolling Stone political correspondent Matt Taibbi talked about the Clintons, the fallout from the New Hampshire primaries, and what's next on the campaign trail.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Chronicles of Vagarnia

Hey Ho from the Northeast on the eve of yet another 'Noreaster'. I'm sure you will not be surprised to find out that I will be taking part in "The Vagina Monologues" or as M.I.A. refers to it, "The Chronicles of Vagarnia" BAHAAAAA! So anyway, one of the parts that I get to read is the following:

Outrageous Vagina Fact:

It is illegal to sell vibrators in the following states: Alabama, Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana, Virginia and Indiana. In some states, if you are caught with intent to sell, you could receive up to $5,000 in fines and face up to 3 years of hard labor. It is totally legal to sell guns in all of these states. We have yet to hear of a MASS MURDER committed with a VIBRATOR.

And that my friends says more about the sorry ass state of the world we live in than prices at the gas pump. So here's a question. Do you think if someone who lives in one of those states, should they order "said device" over the 'internets', can the company sell it to them? Or do they have to set up a PO Box in an adjoining state so as not to get caught in a "vibrator sting"??? Or, what if you travel, say, to one of the states in question, and your bag is searched, say, at the airport and they find the questionable apparatus. Could you be charged with intent to sell? 'Cause how many vibrators do you have to have in your possession to be considered a "Vibrator Dealer"????? These are my questions and I want answers!!! Scheeesch....why don't people relax like in our state, where you can visit with the Governor in the State House, step across the street, pop into Thornes, stock up on "all things KINK" and then go about your day! You gotta give it up for NH...Not often, or at least I imagine not, do you see window dummies in various revealing get-ups (see-through teddies, feather trimmed g-strigs, 6 inch stiletto heels, riding crops and party masks, directly across from the State's Capital Building.

Well, Ill have to report back on the morrow about the latest snowfall. Until then, sleep tight my little pets.


Friday, January 11, 2008

Here's one for ya

OK. For those of you who know me well...ok, I guess that would be all of you as there are only 6 or 7 who look at this EFN thing, I need some input and help. The "internets" as Miss Mary Smack puts it, is too vast and quite frankly seems to suck the life force out of me, besides which, for some reason, no matter what I'm doing/looking for I somehow always end up shopping for shoes. I need some help ferreting (See Miss Mary Smack's leg in the sidebar) info about "internets" things.

For instance: Is it illegal to make a video for Youtube, advertising something that you want people to buy? Do you need to pay a fee? Or can you just throw it up there and wait for the freaks to come calling?

And: Do you know anyone who has used an online publishing company? I understand that this can be done for short money as nothing is printed in advance of an order. Which company is the best?

Lastly: Which one of you SPAZ'S knows about the wording that leads to hits on the "internets" You know, the thinga majiggies for the search engines. Know what I mean?...

Get on it would ya?


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

And this my friends is why I'm mental

This cute video was forwarded to me by the "Jell Man"..Too rich for words really and quite frankly, if I could see through both eyes (can't 'cause I just blew a vessel in my right eye) I would write more! But NO, now I must go lie down and plan my run for office and come up with a catchy slogan so that I too, may have abundant days off for "District work" and fly to and fro on the dime of those poor saps, I mean my constituents! I'm thinking my battle cry could be "Hey. Stupid. Send me to Washington so I can REST!

Boys and girls, please click the link!


Uncle Jay Explains

Why Congress never works.

A true learning experience,,,

Friday, January 4, 2008

David Blaine Street Magic Part 3

Bahaaaaaa. HELL TO THE NO!! and YOU SHRUNK MY HONDA YOU BITCH...Bahaaaaaaaaa

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Barack Rocks Iowa!!

Things are looking up? Let's hope the momentum will carry on through NH. For those of you over there in the Hinterlands, get out and vote!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Miss Mary Smack commands yee to read

Here's a link to a blog that was forwarded to us from Miss Mary Smack who is the first one to tell you "I need to get off the internets"...yes-plural

I have been trying to warm up to my Happy New Year blog and I better hop EFN to it or it will be February...the best "torque-in" month o' the year as it starts with my birthday. 43 efn years old this time around. Now how the ef did that happen? What the?.... Anyhoo, be sure to go to the blog and read the entry titled"The Discriminating (and Feral) Drunk" December 14, 2007. She calls 'em likes she sees 'em, 'specially the whole Jagermeister critique! Bahaaaaaaa and double HA... the girl, she can turn a phrase!